I didn't know that Ninja. Could you imagine having him as your teacher? They are still using his writings to teach critical thinking and analysis in an English literature class I took two years ago at my university.
Actually, many of the writings we were critiquing in that class were from the mainstream media, concerning politics and the use of loaded language and propaganda to persuade the masses to just accept the use of terror and torture from our own countries while at the same time decrying it in other nations.
We had to write two persuasive essays in that class, graded on NOT using loaded language or logical fallacies ourselves. One was a research essay, and the subject I chose was the WTBTS use of propaganda and loaded language to convince their members that blood transfusions were risky and dangerous. The other was a write-in-class final exam the topic of which we could choose. I chose to write about the CIA's use of, and teaching of, torture and terror techniques to US soldiers and other military regimes all over the world and the willful blindness of most of the media and the American people.
As Huxley points out in his speech, the process of mind control is the same the world over and the vast majority of people like to be spoon fed their daily dose of euphoria inducing pap without question.